In other lead stories...
Big doings at the dinner table; Kevin ate a carrot. And he didn't throw up. He didn't even make those awful throwing up sounds. Before you start celebrating for us, be assured that ketchup and Reese's Cups are still his foods of choice and he continues to recover from the day I snuck some grated squash into the pancakes! The other top story is that Kristen has given up life as a other words, she ate a hotdog. So, now she'll eat hotdogs. BUT, they have to be BARBEQUED. And she'll even stoop so low as to ingest chicken. BUT, it also must be BARBEQUED. Now that Phil is working again (see lead story in FINANCIAL NEWS), BBQing has gone by the wayside. So instead of the coveted cell phone, we've decided to get Kris her own gas grill for Christmas...You Grill, Girl!
Nicki. Need I say more? Okay, okay...Nicki is something like the 'little girl with the little curl right in the middle of her forehead...' In recent months, she has lost a mouthful of teeth, tackled tae kwon do, succinctly expressed her personal views about a particular that particular teacher, accused Phil and me of being too romantic whenever we so much as glance at each other, and regaled us with stories about the little boy in her class who wants to know how to kiss girls. When we nervously inquired about her teaching methodology, she assured us she'd told him to practice on the school's brick wall! Whew.
Despite three seasons of soccer, two seasons of roller hockey, and one season of lacrosse since we settled in Denver, we have yet to see a win. I'm not talking about a winning season, I'm talking about a winning game! Of course, since Phil isn't very competitive, it isn't that big of a deal...excuse me for a moment..."Phil, honey, I think it's time you take your hands off of the ref's neck now and let him get home in one piece for the holidays...honey...HONEY!"
Leisure? Did someone say leisure? Oh, sure, I guess that was a leisurely drive to rehearsal...I didn't honk at anyone this time did I? Oh, I did on the drive home? No, I think that was during the drive back to deliver the socks that Will forgot. Oh? I was yelling at the slow pedestrian then, the honking was when I went back to pick up Kevin from rehearsal? Are you sure it wasn't when Kristen realized that she didn't have to be at rehearsal that day? Well, thanks for clearing that up. It was an exciting fall, not only for all the other drivers (not to mention pedestrians), but also watching Kris and Will perform in The Sound of Music here in Denver. Having learned all of the songs by heart two years ago in New York, it was...well, refreshing isn't exactly the word... Anyway, the house was alive with the sound of music. And we are all eager to see Kevin, a.k.a. Ron Weasley in a Harry Potter production this spring.
Another misnomer. We traveled, but it would be a stretch to call it leisure travel. Picture this: a breathtakingly beautiful national park filled with one-of-a-kind rock formations, once-in-a-lifetime views, spectacular panoramas. Then picture this: an aging Suburban crammed with contentious siblings including a two year-old learning the power of a scream, a 12 year-old perfecting the preteen whine (as in: why do we have to go to Utah? I hate Utah! None of my friends have to go to Utah) an 11 year-old having re-entry stress after a month at sleep-away camp (otherwise known as freedom), nine and seven year-olds who haven't exchanged a civil word since 1997. Top this off with Phil in start-up mode (again), and me on the wagon (see MEDICAL & HEALTH NEWS for more on this unfortunate state of affairs). Ugh.
I have recently offered, make that begged, to personally fund the R&D of an alcohol-friendly medication for the parasite Giardia, a delightful memento from the Avon 3-Day walk. Advice for future walkers: ONLY DRINK THE BOTTLED WATER! Ten days on the wagon after three days on the unfair.
I tried, I really did, to get Phil to buy me a house on the bay last summer. I mean what's the big deal? I know we live in Denver now, and NJ is nearly 2000 miles away but still...consider it a change of scenery...okay, consider it an investment...okay, consider it complete and utter frivolity! So what if it cost more than our house in Denver and our house in NY combined. Just because Phil hasn't seen a paycheck in over eighteen months...what's your point? Whose side are you on, anyway? Do you want to get an invitation to the shore or not? In terms of current real estate holdings, the punch list at 70 Elm Street hasn't changed one iota since this time last year. The house even has some special features we hadn't been aware of before. For example, the other evening Kris was able to play the piano and take a shower at the same time. All of this while I was trying to fill the tub...
In deference to polite society, Phil finally decided to go back to work. After his attempt to change the world (by obsessively working out) failed (i.e. nobody noticed his enormous biceps), he is boycotting the gym where he previously parked himself for two to three hours a day. Instead, he is parked in a pretty official-looking office in downtown Denver, where he and his partner, Dave, preside over Headwaters MB.
Our brief foray into dog parenting didn't even last long enough to get him in the Christmas photo. " Cowboy" was an adorable two year-old Basset Hound who didn't like sharing me with Cameron. Our one other attempt at becoming pet people was my brilliant idea to have goldfish be the goody bag for Nicki's 7th birthday party, a backyard carnival. Suffice it to say, I made three trips to the pet store in the 24-hour period preceding the party and had four new friends stop speaking to me within 24 hours after the party!
I'd like to give fair time to each of this year's blockbusters, but unfortunately, I've been home with Cameron watching Barney re-runs. There is something so endearing when Cam gently takes my face in his hands, gazes into my eyes, and whispers hopefully "Watch Barney?" Mind you, this is usually at 5:20 AM. Other favorite Cam expressions include "Hit!" "Kick! ""Move!" "Cry!"and of course, "No Way!"
While we have much to be thankful for this year, we grieve for our families , friends, and fellow Americans who have touched by the tragedy of terrorism. Please join us as we pray for peace. We wish you all a happy and healthy New Year.
With Love, Gretchen, Phil, Kris, Will, Kevin, Nicki, and Cam
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