Mother is a Verb

Mother is a Verb

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Christmas 1997

To Our Friends Far and Wide,

On the twelfth day of Christmas my true loves gave to me...12 tearful tussles, eleven ear infections, ten trips to Tarrytown, 9 "nah nah nah nahs", eight exceptions to The Golden Rule, seven sib sob stories, six separate snack attacks, five filthy faces, (Phil counts!) four full-blown fevers, three bulging back-packs, two temper tantrums, and a mitten that is missing its mate. 1997 has been music to our ears, or something along those lines. While we used to cringe at Barney's 'I love you, you love me, we're a happy family' now we have the good fortune to listen to 'ifyawannabemalover,first yagottabemahfriend'. Yes, even three-year old Nicki has discovered the Spice Girls. Lawd, have mercy!

As for anyone who decided to stop feeling sorry for me now that three out of four are in school...think again! Think that the fourth is Nicki!! and then think lunches, think field trips, think back-packs, think science fairs, think homework, think privacy...not. Think ballet, and piano, and swimming, and drama, and choir, and Brownies, and Wolfscouts. Think sucker! Think fund-raising, consciousness-raising, flag-raising, tuition-raising, standard -raising, hair-raising. Think anything but hand-raising. I was hoping the kids would start raising their hands to talk to me, but no such luck.

Nicole is 3 now and has been exposed to enough bathrom talk to take her through a residency in gastroenterology, gynecology, or urology at Columbia. She is earthy and irreverent. Her favorite expressions include"I mean, uh duhhhh, Mom!" and "nice pucci-pucci" ala Jungle-to-Jungle-I will not translate. Kevin has hit kindergarten and continues to be our own personal super-hero. His Halloween costume history speaks for itself...see if you detect a theme: SuperMan, Budman (Phil cut three holes in an empty Bud case), Power Ranger, X-Man, Spiderman. He loves Playmobil, computers, and his brother. He never stops moving or making noise, even when he's sleeping. Willie continues to wage war with his siblings and charm everyone else. He likes to eat sweets and wear sweats; loves Beanie Babies (we're 48 and counting); and is largely responsible for our latest mode of family communication-the infamous acronym INF (i.e. It's Not Fair!"). We have also developed some alternate interpretations to suit each of us including "It's not funny!" (Kevin), "It's not free (me), It's not fattening (Phil), "It's not fragile" (Nicki), and It's not from the Gap" (Kristen). Kris is working at recreating herself in the image of Claudia (the coolest member of the Babysitter's Club). She wants clothes and music for Christmas! I repeat, she wants clothes and music for Christmas! Help...$#@#^*%$*%...puberty is just around the corner and I just started sleeping through the night!

Phil is increasingly consumed with the worlds of finance and golf. He has developed a split personality disorder featuring Mike Milken and Nick Faldo. The inside scoop has Nick in the lead...but please keep it quiet-we really need that bonus this year. At home he leads the troops in rousing renditions of the Grinch's theme song and has everyone doing a pretty solid J-E-T-S cheer. We get together occasionally to compare calendars, ATM withdrawal slips, and notes on the latest crisis.

For Christmas, we are asking for a weekend when Aunt Laura get snowed in and we get snowed out, two new sets of matching earplugs, and the continued blessings of close families and and close friends.

We wish you a happy & healthy holiday and plenty of peace & joy in the year ahead!

With Love, Gretchen, Phil, Kristen, Willie, Kevin, and Nicki

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